6 thoughts on “TOLIK

  1. I really loved this!!!

    Made me think of many different things.

    This is denser than it seems and full of buried detail.

    I had a country grandmother.

    And a mother who raised a full litter of newborn squirrels after a hurricane and stunned me with a nurturing I didn’t know she had.

    My grandmother would man handle plants and never bruise them.

    I still don’t know how cause she would grab them and rub the leaves between her hands and smell them.




    Sent from my iPad’s iPad’s iPad

    • What a great way to start the new year, with a surprise visit from Robert!

      Your comment reminded me of Dorothea Lange’s beautiful book about the American Country Woman. I just pulled my copy off the shelf. I always loved her texts as much as her photos. She starts the book with this:

      “These are women of the American soil. They are a hardy stock. They are of the roots of our country. They inhabit our plains, our prairies, our deserts, our mountains, our valleys, and our country towns. They are not our well-advertised women of beauty and fashion, nor are they a part of the well-advertised American style of living. These women represent a different mode of life. They are of themselves a very great American style. They live with courage and purpose, a part of our tradition.”

  2. Bonsoir ! Il a neigé ici à Reims en France. Il neige aussi à Buffalo, New York.
    Très beau texte, je vais lire les autres textes et voir tous vos films.

    After watching « In the family », the only thing meaningful thing for me to do was find more about you and your work.
    And listening to this was a thrill ;
    As I said on twitter, @wangontheweb I live across the pond in Reims, France. I wish I were in Buffalo New York on the 23rd, feb 2019 to watch the bread factory.
    I will in due time see all of your works.
    All the best and thanks for those seeds you let grow.
    Humility of responsibility.
    We certainly can never be too sensitive.
    All the best. Some French woman @twelibi
    who hopes to see your films soon. Most welcome in Reims!

    • Thank you so much, Elisabeth. My films have wider distribution in France than anywhere else, so I hope you will be able to find them (the new films are in theaters in France now). Thanks for your openness and kindness.

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